July 23, 2023
7 mins

Save Your Money: Smart Strategies for Canadians in 2023

A young couple and their child place money in a piggy bank
Summary.This article provides Canadians practical advice on saving money, managing debt, and achieving financial goals. It covers paying off high-interest debt, setting short-term and long-term savings goals, creating an emergency fund...

Saving your money is essential for achieving financial stability and reaching life goals. Many Canadians need help saving money due to rising living costs and other financial obligations. However, with the right strategies and a disciplined approach, you can live a comfortable and stress-free life while saving for the future.

Managing debt

Managing your debt is crucial to saving your money. By prioritizing high-interest debt, consolidating debt when it makes sense, or creating a debt repayment plan, your goal is to reduce your financial burden and pave the way to a secure future.

Prioritizing high-interest debt

High-interest debt, such as credit card bills and payday loans, can quickly accumulate and overwhelm you. Focus on repaying these debts first. Doing this saves you money on interest payments and promptly reduces your debt. Don’t forget to continue making minimum payments on your other obligations while directing extra funds towards high-interest balances.

Create a debt repayment plan

An illustration of a young lady in front of a laptop computer managing her finances

A debt repayment plan is a structured approach to paying off your debts over time. List all your debts, including the total amount owed, minimum monthly payments, and interest rates. Then, set a realistic budget that allocates funds towards repayments while covering your essential living expenses. You may need to adjust your lifestyle to free up extra money for your debt payments.

Consider the following repayment methods:

  • Debt snowball: This method involves paying off your smallest debts first, allowing you to eliminate them one by one.
  • Debt avalanche: This method prioritizes high-interest debt first.

Choose the method that best suits your financial situation and motivates you to stay on track with your repayments. Need some help? Work with a credit counsellor or a financial advisor to create a custom plan. You can also consult your bank or an alternative lender regarding debt consolidation.

Setting savings goals

A comprehensive savings strategy caters to your unique financial needs.


Establishing clear savings goals that differentiate between short-term and long-term goals, creating an emergency fund, and funding your retirement is essential. A comprehensive savings strategy caters to your unique financial needs.

Short-term vs. long-term goals

Short-term financial goals are typically two years or less. Long-term goals are defined as at least five years. Short-term goals include saving for a vacation, purchasing a new appliance, or building an emergency fund. Long-term goals include a down payment on a house, funding education, or preparing for retirement.

Prioritize your goals and allocate your funds accordingly. For short-term goals, High-interest Savings Accounts (HISAs) or Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) can help you maximize your savings while maintaining quick access to your funds. For long-term goals, a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or Tax-free Savings Account (TFSA) are likely better options for returns and tax benefits.

The importance of an emergency fund

An emergency fund is a financial safety net designed to cover unexpected expenses, such as job loss, medical emergencies, or urgent home repairs. An emergency fund can help you avoid debt during a crisis.

Your emergency fund should cover three to six months of living expenses. A HISA is an excellent account for this, but you should remember to adjust your emergency fund contributions as your lifestyle changes.

Retirement savings

A comfortable retirement is most Canadian’s goal. You should start saving early by consistently contributing to an RRSP and TFSA. These accounts offer tax advantages and can help grow your savings over time.

Work with a financial advisor to develop a personalized retirement plan considering your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.

Choosing the correct savings account

HISAs offer competitive interest rates, typically higher than traditional savings accounts. When choosing a HISA, consider the following factors:

  • Interest rates: Search for the highest rate possible to maximize your returns.
  • Fees and minimum balance: Opt for accounts with low or no fees and no minimum balance requirement to avoid unnecessary costs.
  • Accessibility: Ensure the account offers easy access to your money, online banking features, and customer support.

Short-term GICs for flexibility

Short-term GICs, with terms of less than a year, offer a fixed interest rate and guaranteed returns, making them a safe and predictable savings option. When considering GICs, keep in mind the following:

  • Interest rates: Compare various financial institutions' rates for the best returns.
  • Term: Choose a term that aligns with your financial goals.
  • Early withdrawal options: Short-term GICs may allow for early withdrawals, providing additional flexibility.

Carefully evaluate your financial goals, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs when determining if a HISA or GIC suits you.

Creating a savings plan

A woman with glasses with her laptop in her lap learning how to save money online

One of the most effective ways to save money is to pay yourself first. By making saving a priority, you ensure it gets done. Set up a pre-authorized transfer service with your bank to simplify the process.

Budgeting and tracking expenses

Budgeting is essential for reaching your savings goals. Many apps are available for this purpose, including Mint, YNAB, and PocketGuard—all of which integrate with your bank accounts, credit cards, and loans. But the apps core function comes back to the simplest budgeting equation:

money coming in – money going out = cash for saving, paying down debt, or investing

Most budgeting apps will break down your expenses by category (e.g., housing, transportation, etc.). Be sure to set spending limits for each category and stick to them. Also, review your budget periodically and adjust it to meet your savings goals as necessary.

Balancing debt payments and savings

Finding the right balance between paying off debt and saving money is important. While it is critical to pay off debt, building an emergency fund to cover unforeseen expenses is just as crucial to your financial health.

Everyday savings tips

It can be challenging to remember to save. But the simplest actions can have significant effects on your monthly budget. Here are some tips to help you save your money:

  • Shop your pantry or freezer first. Use what you have before hitting the grocery store.
  • Make a shopping list. This will keep you on track when you are shopping.
  • Buy in bulk.
  • Use coupons and look for deals. Many stores now have digital coupons that are updated weekly.
  • Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances.
  • Improve your home's insulation.
  • Use energy-efficient lights.
  • Identify the triggers that prompt you to make unplanned purchases and avoid them.
  • Practice mindful spending. Take a 24-hour pause before making major purchases.
  • Bring leftovers or pack a lunch for work.
  • Limit eating out.

By implementing even a few of these tips, you can reduce your expenses and work towards achieving your financial goals.

Long-term savings strategies

Investing in energy-efficient appliances can lead to significant long-term savings on utility bills and contribute to a greener environment.


Investing in energy-efficient appliances can lead to significant long-term savings on utility bills and contribute to a greener environment. Look for ENERGY STAR-certified products which use less energy than their uncertified counterparts. Also, ensure you maintain your appliances, such as cleaning the lint trap on your dryer, to ensure they operate efficiently.

Minimize your investment fees wherever possible. Ask your financial advisor for a discount; some advisors may be willing to reduce their fees if you request it. Use a buy-and-hold strategy to reduce trading fees, resulting in an overall reduction of monthly investing costs. Use Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) instead of Mutual Funds; ETFs generally have lower trading fees than Mutual Funds. Consider working with a robo-advisor with good reviews; this might be cheaper than working with a human advisor.

Planning for major life events

Preparing for significant life events, such as buying a home, getting married, having children, or retiring, can help you avoid financial stress and achieve your long-term savings goals. Many life decisions have economic impacts, whether opening tax-advantaged accounts such as an RRSP or TFSA, setting savings goals, following a budget, or signing up for the correct employer benefits. Take your time, consider your options, and make the right financial choice for you and your family.


When it comes to money, readers are leaders. Saving money in Canada involves adopting short-term and long-term savings strategies. It helps to pay yourself first, budget wisely, and balance debt payments with savings. Developing and sticking to a plan is essential.

If you’re struggling with debt and need assistance, consider contacting a reputable debt relief company in Canada. These companies will work with you to find the best debt relief solution for your unique financial situation. Remember, taking control of your finances sooner than later means you will have less long-term stress.

  • How can I save $1000 in 30 days?

    You’ll need to set a daily savings goal and implement strategies to cut expenses and increase your savings. These strategies may include creating a budget, reducing dining out or deliveries, eliminating unnecessary costs, negotiating to lower or bundle your bills, lowering your energy usage, automating your savings, and selling unused or unwanted items. While this list is not exhaustive, these simple steps can help you save $1000 in 30 days.

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